TALCB Notebook is a tool offered for convenience. Each person is responsible for maintaining his or her own records, including any supporting documentation verifying claimed experience. TALCB is not responsible for any lost entries or data in utilizing this tool. TALCB recommends regularly downloading and maintaining a PDF copy of your entries for your records. More than one year without logging on to the portal will result in deletion of your entries.
I understand the answers and information I submit are to be true, correct, and complete. I will furnish all additional information or documentation requested by the Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board (TALCB) for verification of the information given at application. I understand that failing to provide information or providing information that is false, misleading, or fraudulent is grounds for denial of this application or revocation of my license.
I understand that information submitted will be reviewed by TALCB and the discovery of violations of the Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Act (“the Act”), TALCB Rules (22 TAC Chapters 153-157), or the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) may result in an investigation and may be cause for denial of the application even though other requirements for a license have been met and that if an investigation is necessary. I further understand that information submitted in connection with this application may be subject to public disclosure or inspection in accordance with the Public Information Act (Chapter 552, Government Code).
I certify that I will not perform any act that requires an appraiser license or certification until a license or certification has been issued to me by TALCB. If granted a license or certification, I will abide by the provisions of the Act TALCB Rules and the USPAP.